Importance of a professional AC tune-up Grondslagen uitgelegd May 28, 2024 Category: Blog Visit This Link another preventative maintenance step homeowners can take. The drain line kan zijn a white pipe on the side or front of your furnace, which kan zijn responsible for draining condensation away from your indoor AC unit.We at Keith Key Heating & Air understand that your air conditioning system kan zijn a vital component in maintaining the desired gemak level within your home. Our dedication to ensuring peak performance and longevity while minimizing energy waste is backed by our commitment to providing top-quality heating and cooling services.The impact of expertise and equipment on bediening quality cannot be overstated when comparing DIY maintenance with professional AC tune-ups.During an AC tune up, critical steps are taken to ensure you do not have a frozen AC this summer. When an HVAC specialist changes visit your filters, evaluates your blower motorfiets, and tests your refrigerant levels, they eliminate the main factors which could potentially cause your air conditioner system to freeze up. So in that earlier example ofwel cleaning your condenser? A dirty condenser will rob you ofwel approximately 10% efficiency for each year you ignore it. This means less cooling for your home, higher bills, and more work for your equipment.